Celebrate Presidents' Day with 20% Off! Use code PresDay25 at Checkout

We're Proud to be Patriots

We're proud to be a made-in-America company owned and operated by veterans and patriots.
Explore our quality products and help support our work with veterans.

TADSAW (Train A Dog Save A Warrior)

The Train a Dog Save a Warrior (TADSAW) program serves the veteran, the family and the community, by providing the warrior with a K-9 rescue ‘Battle Buddy’ and the training and tools needed to become an accredited TADSAW Warrior/Service Dog Team.

Our line of "OPERATION COMPANION" apparel allows us to give a portion of the proceeds to go towards supporting the wonderful work of TADSAW.

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Meet our Team

We are all about patriotism for our country, the United States of America, and support for our veterans. 

Soldier Solutions LLC was originally created by former UConn football player Frank Quagliano (cousin of Tyler and Daniel Merritt, Co-founders of Nine Line Apparel). Coming from a military family himself, he was aware of the growing issue of veteran unemployment. To provide more job opportunities for those that have served our country, Soldier Solutions LLC was born. Due to the support of the community, Soldier Solutions LLC employs over 35 veterans and patriotic Americans.

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Soldier Solutions LLC

60 Church St., Suite 1D
Wallingford, CT 06492

Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: Closed

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President's day sale (20% OFF)

Remember to use code PresDay25 at checkout to receive 20% off of your total order price!

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